Rush is a Band

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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Tue, Sep 10, 2024

New Geddy Lee interview with Revolver magazine

Tue, Feb 27, 2007@8:28AM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 3/1@12:18AM: I added a couple pics from the article courtesy iluvgeddy05 at The Rush Forum which I was alerted to by the ever helpful MitA. The pics show the boys in the studio at Allaire in New York.

The latest issue of Revolver magazine has an interview with Geddy Lee where he discusses their upcoming album Snakes and Arrows, due out May 1st. He describes the album thusly:

... "It's hard to describe," said Lee. "It's big, it's bold, and I think it's some of the best work we've done in years. I'm really pleased with the quality of the songs, and there's lots of playing on it."...

He also goes on to describe how the band's 2004 EP Feedback influenced the recording process on this latest album:

... "Playing those songs that we loved and grew up on, I think it helped us remember how sometimes it's the simplicity or the directness of an arrangement that really makes a great song," said Lee. "And the other thing is, we played all together in the studio for a lot of the 'Feedback' stuff. That's something that a lot of producers had been pushing us to do for a while but which we hadn't done in years. It was great to turn off the click and just play — you know, not worry so much about being so, quote, metronomic — and that definitely carried over into this record." ...

Thanks to for the info.

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NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
