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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Wed, Feb 12, 2025

Rumors within rumors in a spiral array: Richard Chycki, Rush and the Trailer Park Boys movie soundtrack

Thu, Aug 31, 2006@11:05PM | comments removed/disabled

[Richard Chycki blog entry - Thursday, August 31, 2006: Summer Update]

UPDATE - 9/2@1:53PM: It looks like Richard Chycki has edited the blog entry referenced in this post and completely removed the portion about his rumored involvement with the next Rush album. All the entry says now with regards to this is the following:

My site was down for a bit as a result of a duluge of hits to my site via a number of Rush fan sites. There seems to be the notion that I am confirmed to record and/or mix a new Rush CD (!?) Where do these rumors start?! Please ease up on the repeated hits a bit, k? Thanks.

So he still neither confirms nor denies it. This probably just means that nothing has been finalized yet and he wasn't supposed to say anything. We'll find out soon enough I guess.

--- snip ---

This next bit of news ties together a rumor I reported last Thursday regarding the Trailer Park Boys movie soundtrack with the rumored hiring of Rich Chycki to Mix the new Rush album (not to the mention the now "almost official" naming of Nick Raskulinecz as producer). It turns out that Richard Chycki has a blog and today's entry mentioned both of these rumors.

First off, regarding the Trailer Park Boys movie soundtrack; in a Chronicle Herald article on the show that focused on an upcoming guest appearance from former Skid Row frontman Sebastian Bach, Bach was interviewed and said that "... I mean, I heard that Alex and Geddy (Lifeson and Lee, from Rush) are doing a song for the movie soundtrack. That's amazing! ...". Here's what Chycki's blog entry states:

Canadians all know the ubiquitous Trailer Park Boys, Finally, a movie is in the works. Al Lifeson of Rush fame produced an amazing version of 'I Fought The Law', which I had the opportunity of recording and mixing. The track features Al and Geddy, Adam from Three Days Grace, ex- Tea Party Jeff Burrows, Ian Thornley and a young promising talent from Die Mannequin named Care -- she really tore up her parts in the vocal track. Also, Bubbles was in the studio to record an absolutely hilarious track called 'Liquor & Whores'. ...

Wow. It's great to have this bit of news confirmed and to get all the details regarding the participants. I can't wait to hear this! ... Not to mention a studio recording of Liquor & Whores!!

Now regarding the rumor that he's been hired to mix the next Rush album. He talks about being flooded with email from fans and traffic from Rush fan sites (he even mentions the Counterparts thread that started the rumor). He talks about how he mixed R30 and recorded/mixed the live studio version of Closer to the Heart for the Tsunami benefit from a couple years back and clears up some misconceptions regarding his past work. But he is coy about confirming that he's been hired to work on the next Rush album. My guess is that he is, but isn't allowed to say anything yet. Here's the snippet from the post so you can be the judge.

... There's been a recent HUGE flood of visits and emails to my website, mostly via Rush fan sites like this one and several others. I'm humbled by all the attention and thank those who know my work and are so liberally endorsing it. There has been some question as to my past involvement with Rush. I mixed the R30 DVD and recorded/mixed a live version of 'Closer to the Heart' for a Tsunami benefit broadcast some time ago. I did not work on Vapor Trails at all, nor have I produced any tracks for Pink. I did record a duet with Pink and Steven Tyler, both great performers (but that's another story). According to the deluge of emails flooding the web contact box over the past two days or so, the $10,000 question seems to be ... am I working on the next Rush CD?? Well, at this time I can't comment on the rumors but I'm sure the fine folks at Anthem will keep the loyal followers informed (and that doesn't mean 'yes', sorry). In the meantime, please sit tight and stop flooding the web email box -- the attention is appreciated but my web assistant is losing her mind with the hundreds of queries coming in. Man, you guys are awesome fans!! ...

Related Posts:
[Nick Raskulinecz to produce new Rush album]
[Alex and Geddy to record a song for Trailer Park Boys movie?]
[New Trailer Park Boys movie trailer online]
[Trailer Park Boys "Closer to the Heart" guitar auction]
[Trailer Park Boys: Closer to the Heart]
[Trailer Park Boys Movie Trailer Featuring Music by Rush]

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
