Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Wed, May 1, 2024

New Alex Lifeson interview at

Tue, Jun 22, 2010@1:09PM | comments removed/disabled

[Rush 'Moving' On Tour, Recording New 'Clockwork']

There's a new interview with Alex Lifeson at where Alex talks about the upcoming album and tour. He reveals that Rush actually has a total of 6 songs recorded including the recently-released tracks Caravan and BU2B:

... Lifeson says Rush is "a little more than halfway done" recording "Clockwork Angels" with producer Nick Raskulinecz, who also helmed 2007`s "Snakes & Arrows." Two of the songs, "Caravan" and "BU2B," have been released online, and four others were recorded during sessions at Blackbird Studios in Nashville. "Certainly these two songs are pretty heavy indications of where the record's going," Lifeson says, "but there are a lot of different tonalities and soundscapes on the material that we've written so far, so I'm interested to see where we go on these next few songs." Lifeson says Rush hopes to finish recording during the fall in time for a release in the spring of 2011, followed by a more extensive world tour. ...

We'd already known that they had 6 songs written but had been under the impression that only Caravan and BU2B had been recorded. Thanks to robertkincaid96 for the heads up.

Related Posts:
[Caravan/BU2B CD single now available for pre-order]
[Rush Caravan release open thread]
[Rush reveal new album title as Clockwork Angels]
[Two new Rush tracks available for digital download June 1st]
[Rush to release new song to radio next month]
[Geddy Lee reveals new song title in Rolling Stone interview]
[Rush to release 2 songs from upcoming album as CD single]

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
