Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Wed, May 1, 2024

Neil Peart Way?

Wed, Sep 17, 2008@4:00PM | comments removed/disabled

As I'd mentioned in last week's Happy Birthday Neil post, Hamilton, Ontario is the birthplace of our favorite drummer Neil Elwood Peart. Apparently Hamilton rock radio station Y108 has started a petition to have a stretch of Red Hill Expressway in Hamilton renamed to Neil Peart Way. You can read all the details and sign the petition at this link. The petition reads:

Given that Neil Peart was born in Hamilton, Ontario, is recognized as one of the best drummers in the world, is a brilliant lyricist, prolific writer, philosopher and humanitarian and a beloved member of Canada's most prolific rock export, Rush; and, given the fact his hometown has yet to honour neil in any significant way-.we, the undersigned, in an effort to keep Neil Peart's living legacy "closer to the heart" in Hamilton, petition the city of Hamilton to rename a section of the new Red Hill Expressway after Neil Peart or, failing
that, renaming a city street in his honour.

Thanks to Trevor V and Rick R for the heads up.

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